New Era: Tokyo / 도쿄 / 東京都 ! ^^

Just freshly back from a weeklong voyage through Singapore and Malaysia, which was a very nice and relaxing break. I spent time with great friends who I hadn’t seen in a long while. Anyhow, now I will say that I suddenly find myself in the midst of a drastic transition.

I just landed into Seoul, and am currently packing my bags for Tokyo ~~!!

This is the 6th country that I will live in – Saudi Arabia, France, United States, Vietnam, Korea, and now Japan. And it seems like I am literally always saying goodbye to others as I move from one country to another, and meeting new persons in other countries. Yet, I firmly believe that this is what life is comprised of: adapting to change and striving to be the best possible. Sure I am unconventional, sometimes pushing the limit in several fronts, but in the end it is through these experiences that I derive a sense of who I am now, drive personal growth, and fulfill this natural need to discover, explore, and learn.

It is of course very easy to see the inconveniences of pushing oneself outside of the comfort zone up front and fall into a feeling of despair; although I view such an opportunity as an exciting, new, and fresh adventure that has to be tried without question.

To borrow a line from a friend, one should always carry with them authenticity, passion, and sincerity!

Back in Seoul in a month for several weeks.


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