Why Your Environment is Critical to your Happiness and Success 0

This past weekend I finished moving for what is nearly the second dozen time of my adulthood. It’s an event that I’ve come to experience as a blend of excitement and uncertainty, as I leave what I know — the comfort zone — to (literally) leap into a new tangent. From the earliest

April 2014 Quotes 0

I’ve decided to initiate a series called “Shorts” where I intend to post in between longer “Blog” entries. I don’t want to commit myself to any specific rules in terms of frequencies, topic boundaries, or anything of the sort. As I do with the rest of the site, I

Fitting the Pieces of the Puzzle 0

  “You can have anything you want in life, if you will just help other people get what they want.” – Michael Ellsberg, American Author and Motivational Speaker “Networking is not about just connecting people. It’s about connecting people with people, people with ideas, and people with opportunities.” – Michele Jennae,

Comfortable to Hesitate 0

  Waiting in the hope for something to happen or apprehending to act upon something, which undermines our own level of contentment and general actionability over the degree of control of the persons, places, or things that occur around us. In essence, we let the elements that comprise the

Generating Enthusiasm and Embracing the Bronze Medalist Mentality 0

  Genuinely realize that today is not guaranteed, that nothing is deserved so to speak. One must work and fight for everything. Earn it. To think otherwise is illusory. If the world were strictly based on meritocracy, fairness, and magnitude of effort put forth then all of those in

Creating Sustainable Value 0

  “We all die. The goal isn’t to live forever, the goal is to create something that will.” – Chuck Palahniuk (prolific American writer) This phrase “creating value” or iterations of it (“value added,””valued service”) is a corporate platitude that is tossed around like many other ambiguities in the office setting

Self-Responsibility and Resilience 0

  After a several month hiatus owing to my somewhat hectic lifestyle in Korea and demanding work schedule, as well as a temporary lull in website service (I changed hosting provider — hopefully for the better), I have returned to write. While I am at work, I’m essentially able/free

Simplifying Life & Easing Complexity 0

Many of us (myself included) implicitly and explicitly place barriers throughout our lives that often serve to unnecessarily complicate matters. As a result we risk increasing stress, disappointment, or regret to a greater scale than if we were to open ourselves to embracing new modes of thinking. In communication we

Humility and Empowerment 0

Life is not about being jealous of others’ success* nor is it about feeling superior to others due to race, ethnicity, gender, class, religion, language, or whatever other factor in which we may categorize others. Life is rather about helping those around us realize their potential, endeavoring to remain

Our Greatest Assets: Family & Friends 0

I’m writing this post on the eve of my departure to move in with yet another friend in a temporary arrangement as I seek to find a suitable place to live in what seems to be a recurring theme in my life (laughs). Once more, I am insurmountably helped