Bali Contemplations 0

Build on experiences, help others, take yourself less seriously, realize humility is a superpower, take chances, stay grateful, push yourself, work hard & play harder, tell people you love them, embrace each moment, don’t accept the status quo, be kind to yourself, you win some & lose some, smile

Memento Mori 0

Standing next to this 700+ year old ancient Banyan tree vividly puts into perspective the shortness of life. The numerous generations of humans that have come and gone, while this tree has withstood the test of time, serve as a powerful reminder of our own mortality. “We are always

Summer Reflections 0

I have not written a post since the pandemic despite all intentions. Glad that I’ve found time during a break over the last few months to reflect and put pen to paper. During a cross-Atlantic flight on a wave of inspiration, I’ve drafted a fuller list after posting the

The Value of Social Impact Consulting in a COVID-19 World 0

Reading Time: 5 minutes This article originally appeared on Medium and LinkedIn and has been re-posted with consent from the author. I’ve been thinking about my friends, classmates, and members of my professional network for whom COVID-19 has made employment precarious, with many having to deal with indefinite hiring freezes, rescinded job offers, temporary furloughs or job loss.

Boiling down the Oxford MBA 0

Follow my journey, as well as my 2018-19 MBA classmates’ experiences during their time on the Oxford MBA programme, at Writing in Paris on a sunny summer day, I’m coming to terms with the end of the Oxford MBA degree. There are few triumphs like setting a stretch goal

Taking the Plunge into Myanmar 0

Follow my journey, as well as my 2018-19 MBA classmates’ experiences during their time on the Oxford MBA programme, at Roaming the halls during the Oxford Freshers Week in late September, I was floored by the number of societies and student organisations present in the Examination School building. There

Second Half 2018 Quotes 0

“Men are disturbed not by events but by their opinion about events.” —Epictetus “Character is determined by choice, not opinion.” — Aristotle “Learn what is to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest.” — Hermann Hesse “He who rushes ahead doesn’t go far. He who tries to shine

Expanding Horizons and Weaving Global Threads 0

Follow my journey, as well as my 2018-19 MBA classmates’ experiences during their time on the Oxford MBA programme, at “Never forget that there are countless people who would be happy to live your worst day.” – Colombian Airbnb Host. These words of wisdom will forever stick as a relevant

First Half 2018 Quotes 0

“To what then, must we aspire? This, and this alone: the just thought, the unselfish act, the tongue that utters no falsehood, the temper that greets each passing event as something predestined, expected, and emanating from the One source and origin.” — Marcus Aurelius “There are two things people want

Identity: Peeling off Labels 0

Photo attribution: Manolo Chrétien on Unsplash Reading Time: 20 minutes “If I wasn’t me would I still be me?” I asked my mother an umpteenth time as a young child. “If I was born as someone else would it still be me?” These pseudo philosophical questions were the start