Yearly Archive:: 2019

Boiling down the Oxford MBA 0

Follow my journey, as well as my 2018-19 MBA classmates’ experiences during their time on the Oxford MBA programme, at Writing in Paris on a sunny summer day, I’m coming to terms with the end of the Oxford MBA degree. There are few triumphs like setting a stretch goal

Taking the Plunge into Myanmar 0

Follow my journey, as well as my 2018-19 MBA classmates’ experiences during their time on the Oxford MBA programme, at Roaming the halls during the Oxford Freshers Week in late September, I was floored by the number of societies and student organisations present in the Examination School building. There

Second Half 2018 Quotes 0

“Men are disturbed not by events but by their opinion about events.” —Epictetus “Character is determined by choice, not opinion.” — Aristotle “Learn what is to be taken seriously and laugh at the rest.” — Hermann Hesse “He who rushes ahead doesn’t go far. He who tries to shine