Bali Contemplations

Build on experiences, help others, take yourself less seriously, realize humility is a superpower, take chances, stay grateful, push yourself, work hard & play harder, tell people you love them, embrace each moment, don’t accept the status quo, be kind to yourself, you win some & lose some, smile more & worry less, don’t accept bullshit, be generous, try stuff even if it scares you, express yourself, feel all the emotions (good & bad), get rejected many times for jobs and relationships, look at the stars, lead by example, buy the window seat on a plane, exercise whenever possible, remove toxicity, dance like nobody is watching, judge less and observe more, less certainty in answers and more discovery from questions, believe in yourself, seize inspiration as it’s short-lived, future > past, stay in touch with friends and family, don’t rush the decisions, stay present by doing things you enjoy, do no harm, find ways to meditate, lean into the goosebumps, say yes to opportunity, expect nothing & appreciate everything, don’t overthink it, go with the flow, reach out and pay it forward without any expectations of return, remain open to serendipity, use to do and done lists for progress, spend time in nature, take the scenic view, get lost in foreign places as a wandering “flaneur”, stay out all night and wake up early to see the sunrise, watch sunsets, write ideas down, encourage others, try learning new languages, exercise is the natural high, generosity makes us happier, cuddle more, follow lines for good food, the way out is from within, wherever you go there you are, stay proactive to take initiative, be led by curiosity, pursue empathy and compassion, listen to your gut, smile even when alone, care less about the small stuff, realize nobody really cares, take more pictures and videos than necessary, talk to more strangers (safely), write ideas down, find inherent human commonalities, take pride in accomplishments rather than birth traits, peak experience and the journey, let thoughts pass through, shift to “what’s the best that can happen”, expect the worst and hope for the best, listen to music more often, try fully and don’t look back…

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