I have not written a post since the pandemic despite all intentions. Glad that I’ve found time during a break over the last few months to reflect and put pen to paper. During a cross-Atlantic flight on a wave of inspiration, I’ve drafted a fuller list after posting the initial 16 items (bolded). This remains very much an evolving piece of work.
Grateful for this summer leave of absence. Gained clarity and fulfillment thanks to time away from the proverbial hamster wheel for a collection of non-exhaustive thoughts:
Normalize taking time off from work for yourself. The “grind” is unhealthy and our self-worth isn’t in how productive we are. We are not our jobs
In addition to mainstream goals, we should celebrate atypical milestones (e.g., breakups, quitting jobs, failure)
Listen to and go with your gut feeling
Surround yourself with long-term people with values
Live in the present and stay open to serendipity
Experiences, memories, and relationships > materialism
Life is what happens when we’re busy planning
As in chess, we don’t know how things will play out. All we can do is our best to position ourselves and focus on fundamentals (e.g., analogies for controlling the center, castling king, and developing pieces: prioritizing sleep, exercising, eating healthy, practicing meditation, loving family & friends, pursuing education, etc.)
We overestimate how much people notice us. Nobody really cares as we’re all too preoccupied with ourselves. So why not take the risk? Less regrets later
Laugh and the world laughs with you
How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time. Small steps enable progress
Helping others is a powerful way to channel our own self-interest: you feel better for yourself by doing something for someone else. Generosity pays for itself
Don’t work for assholes
Be positive and take action first
Honesty is easiest as you don’t have to remember anything
Don’t take oneself too seriously — none of us gets out alive
Millions (even billions) would love to live your worst day
“A healthy man wants a thousand things, a sick man only wants one.” – Confucius
Some of the best things in life are unexpected and many of them are free (e.g., health, quality of relationships, peace of mind)
If you never ask, you will never receive
It’s not where you’re from, it’s where you’re going
This too shall pass
“Leave this world a little better than you found it.” – Robert Baden-Powell
We always have the opportunity to rewrite the story about ourselves. It’s your storyline and nobody else’s
If you aren’t embarrassed by who you were in the past then you aren’t growing
Hell yes or it’s a no
The path is seldom linear, it’s usually full of twists and turns
“Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” – Viktor Frankl
Fail short-term or succeed long-term, instead of failing long-term
Compare yourself to your past self to measure achievements, while seeking motivation from others
Advocate for yourself and set boundaries – nobody else will do that for you
Being busy is different than being effective. Outcomes > activity
Be strict with yourself in setting standards but kind with yourself if you don’t meet them. Treat yourself as you would a close friend
Be compassionate and empathetic with others. We don’t know what people are going through
“Impatience with actions, patience with results.” – Naval Ravikant
Time is the most valuable currency
“Short-term easy is long-term hard. Short-term hard is long-term easy.” – Shane Parrish
Investments in ourselves are no regret moves (e.g., studies, professional training, gym memberships)
Shoot for the stars, you may land on the moon
Politeness and kindness cost nothing
Your reputation is what precedes you
Showing up and trying is already more than half the battle
Solo traveling, while at times unpredictable, is rewarding for self-discovery
Always have a ticket booked somewhere. Looking forward to vacations improves our mood
The destination is often an illusion, it’s mostly a journey
If you’re trying harder than someone else to change themselves, then it won’t work. It’s on the person specifically to make it happen
Trust, but verify
“Things are never as bad or as good as they seem.” – Tony Hsieh
There are no guarantees and only so many tomorrow’s. Seize the opportunity now rather than in an imagined future
It’s OK to not have an opinion on a topic
The 80/20 rule (Pareto principle) is observable everywhere if you look close enough: 20% of inputs driving 80% of outputs
“Gradually, then all at once.” – Ernest Hemingway
If there is strain or tension with someone, stop for a beer or coffee to likely improve the situation
“You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with.” – Jim Rohn
Finance, writing, communication, and critical thinking are building blocks
Location, location, location: small house in the right place > big house in the wrong place
People don’t easily change their minds on core beliefs, even when presented with evidence
“All of humanity’s problems, stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” – Blaise Pascal
Learning is a lifelong endeavor, and a majority of learnings occur outside the classroom via experience. The most prized lessons arise from overcoming the hardest obstacles
“Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” – Mahatma Gandhi
“Happiness only real when shared.” – Christopher McCandless
Exposure is leverage
Three levels of mentorship: upward, peer, and downward
We’re all interdependent as humans, whether we realize it or not
“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” ― Maya Angelou
It’s not the number of strikeouts that count, as you only have to hit one home run (e.g., in a job search or romantic relationship)
Perseverance, patience, and enthusiasm are strong determinants of success
“The most important decision most people will ever make is whether, when, and whom to marry. But that topic is never taught in school. It can’t be – everyone’s different, and you can’t reduce it to a formula or a statistic.” – Morgan Housel
Better to be happily alone than unhappily accompanied
Luck is when preparation meets opportunity
“You’re under no obligation to be the same person you were 5 minutes ago.” – Alan Watts
Less certainty, more humility
Nobody really knows what they’re doing – we’re all just trying to figure it out
“People overestimate what they can do in one year and underestimate what they can do in 10 years.” – Bill Gates
Work to live vs. live to work
“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” – Dr. Seuss
Forgive but don’t necessarily forget
There are a thousand excuses to avoid doing something, and only one reason to actually do it
“Moderation in everything, including moderation.” – Oscar Wilde
The golden rule as a guiding heuristic: “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”
(Best efforts to provide accurate references. Numerous sources, abbreviations, and quotes may be poorly cited or citations may be lacking altogether.)