New Year, Refresh

Writing this message after a typically tiring day in Korea: work, class, gym, late dinner.

It’s a New Year that has been ushered in, full of decisions to make that will most certainly have a considerable impact on my future.

I had an amazing time with my sister in Thailand, traveling for one week to Phuket, and back to Bangkok. Met great people who immediately opened up to me without any problem, which was quite a dramatic change from the past couple of months to write my thoughts out directly.

As my sister mentioned, there most certainly exists different levels of appreciation and enjoyment for somewhere that stems from the type of experience you encounter in the particular place. Let’s see how I feel about my current situation, but the fact remains that there are endless possibilities and permutations leading to different end results, it is simply a question of making a decision and following the path down the chain of future events that follow.

This break in Thailand from my typical ‘routine’ – if we can even call it that – in Korea has brought me a new perspective of what I am doing and served as a reminder of what else is out there. I must now just seriously think over all of my choices, put myself out there as much as possible, and prepare for anything. Because in the end, anything is feasible, it just remains a question of taking that step.

Nature and nurture have formed me into someone who is very sociable, and as such, I enjoy to present people to each other and meeting new people. I also am, and will remain, vey demanding from others, and expect a reciprocal respect in terms of friendship. I am coming more and more to terms with the notion that this cannot be the case with all contacts who I have, and we must be honest in evaluating how to spend our limited resources of time and energy.

The early 20’s is definitely a transition stage, with the first years out of university comprising a true ‘maturing’ period.

With the New Year, one of the ‘new’ aspects that I am bringing in, however superficial, is Twitter. I can hereafter be found at:

Il est temps que je dorme, je suis très fatigué.

Let me try to take this next step..

– 매튜

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